
In the beginning...

This real camel from
Welcome Week '09
is really pumped about
helping the community!
I'm proud to announce that Service Learning @ Campbell has arrived!

Mind you it's my first day on the job and all I've done is schedule meetings and try to figure out how to transfer calls. Baby steps.

We (Campus Ministries and myself) have spent the summer hammering out details and preparing as much as possible to take off on this adventure. We've read the books, Googled a few things and attended the workshops. 

Perhaps the most monumental baby step was attending AmeriCorps VISTA Pre-Service Orientation, four days of ice breakers, info sessions and really good food. It provided many points of clarity on a few questions Faithe and I had about this undertaking.

The one huge lesson with which I returned to Raleigh was this:

Our work is bigger than ourselves.

This year's goals are more than just convincing college students to want to help out. It's not just being nice to our Spanish-speaking neighbors.

On the local level the work we do in the coming months and years will ripple out in ways we may never discover. In an even bigger picture, over 7,000 VISTAs all over the country are executing anti-poverty initiatives that together will weave a cloth of hope and success for our fellow Americans, impoverished or not.

Check back for more frequent updates to the life and times of Service Learning @ Campbell.

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