
Amazing Faiths Dinner Dialogue

A Hindu and a Christian walk into a room....

Nope, it's not a joke. Last night the President's Interfaith Service Campus Challenge hosted Campbell's first-ever Amazing Faiths Dinner Dialogue, a nationwide event promoting interfaith communication and relationship building.

The Challenge partnered with Raleigh's Triangle Interfaith Alliance, experts on all things interfaith and Amazing Faiths, to plan a night of dialogue, education, and understanding about the student body's diverse traditions and backgrounds.

With a registration goal of 40 participants, the Challenge planning team was thrilled to have 50 students arrive at the Rumley Center for a pasta dinner, relationship building, a nice slice of cake. The Amazing Faiths model calls for active listening while participants at each table answer a question about their faith experiences. The questions are broad so that a person from any faith background may offer a response. Examples of the questions are:

Do you think religions share common principles or ideals?  If so, can you identify some of these?

Do you pray or meditate? What is prayer or mediation for you? How does it work beneficially in your life?

Have you ever been asked to do or say something that went against your faith or belief system?  How did you respond?

The goal of the night was to build bridges between students of different faith backgrounds, when religion can sometimes be an obstacle or stumbling block in the relationship building process. The Amazing Faith Dinner Dialogue isn't going away, so keep your eyes peeled for future dinners!

In other service news:

- The Campus Food Drive will end November 15! Drop your donations in the bin at the Oasis, Marshbanks, and Turner. All donations go to the struggling Harnett Food Pantry in Lillington.

- The Community Christmas Store has extended its toy donation deadline through November 11. Contact Terry Tucker for more information.

- Operation Christmas Child Collection Week is November 14 - 21 in the Rumley Center. You can help OCC by donating a shoe box or by supporting it via social media:
  • Please consider starting an account, following influencers and friends. We could use your help “tweeting” this year and beyond! Follow OCC at @OCC_shoeboxes

  • Since August 1st, facebook.com/OCCshoeboxes has grown from 166,175 to almost 213,000. That’s almost 50,000 followers OCC has gained since promotion season started and we don’t want to stop there! There more people who ‘follow’ OCC, the more people who see our news and information!

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